Forged Survivor Server Rules
There is only one real rule: Respect each other.
Respect People
The game and server mods are not perfect. To allow for some level of balance that cannot be enforced through software, the following rules are necessary.
Treat all people with mutual respect
Treat any and all members with grace and respect, even in instances where individuals are not returning such respect. Members who are consistently not able to give said respect will not be tolerated. Differing opinions or disagreements should be handled with care, but are not discouraged from being discussed.
No derogatory, discriminatory, or harassing language or behaviour
Respect The Game
The game and server mods are not perfect. To allow for some level of balance that cannot be enforced through software, the following rules are necessary.
Acceptable base building rules
- Gates/fences shall be no more than two sections high.
- Gates/fences/watch towers shall be built such that they are not clipping objects in the closed position.
- Gates/fences shall be built such that a persons width may pass between parallel gates/fences.
- Lock placement shall be visible from the non-locked side of the gate.
- Claiming of others bases is acceptable. Locked bases are simply the property of whoever knows the combination of the lock.
Use of exploits beyond what is explicitly stated as acceptable are forbidden
- Player/object boosting within the scope of real world boosting is acceptable.
- Player/object boosting beyond what is achievable in the real world is forbidden.
- The only allowable entry points into a structure are the open doors/areas of that structure e.g. clipping through windows is forbidden.
- Clipping/glitching into bases or structures that should otherwise be inaccessible is forbidden.
Respect Player
The game and server mods are not perfect. To allow for some level of balance that cannot be enforced through software, the following rules are necessary.